Searching for a full-time position without a college degree can sometimes feel like you are behind the eight ball. Every time that you submit a resume, even if you have great experience, it can seem like an empty gesture that ends in a rejection because there is no degree in the education section.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

In today’s job market, college degrees are becoming less and less important. Now more than ever, you can leverage your resume and interview to show how you will bring value to an organization, even without having a degree.

If you are still struggling to find a position without a degree, here are some tips that can help you land that job the next time you apply.

Consider taking online courses to build skills and add to your resume

A traditional college degree is not the only way to get a solid education these days. To demonstrate a willingness to learn, there are many educational options that are inexpensive, quick, and easy to complete. Even if they are not traditional, they signal to a potential employer that you are continuing to improve yourself and are taking the initiative to grow your career. Here are great options for those who are trying to enhance their resumes.

Understand your skills and look for roles that fit you well

Everyone has been asked the famous interview question “So, what are your strengths?”

Do you have a good response to this question? If so, you have a great advantage when you are interviewing for a job. If not, spend time thinking about where you have excelled in the past, whether it was in a job, school, volunteer work, or hobby.

When searching for a position, pay really close attention to the words that are in the job description. Seek positions that mention terms or phrases that match well with your strengths and skills. For example, if you are highly organized, add this fact to your resume in multiple places and look for job descriptions that put an emphasis on “attention to detail” and “organizational skills.”

Most HR departments are intentional with the words that they include in job descriptions. Use that to your advantage when you cannot provide a college degree.

Work with a staffing agency

Now we are tooting our own horn because working with a staffing agency is a great way to get help finding positions that do not require a degree.

Organizations trust us to find them the best employees, regardless of the formal qualifications or degrees that they might have. While we sometimes must follow the rules around college degrees, we have the ability to recommend strong candidates to companies that might not have otherwise considered those individuals based solely on their resume.

We are also able to help coach you about the best ways to make you stand out and increase your chances of being hired. This is particularly useful when you feel like you have a disadvantage. We can show you exactly what you need to do to have the inside track to get a position that you will love.

A good staffing agency can really be your friend. Use us to your advantage.

Network and build relationships

A lot of the time, it is not what you know, but who you know.

A great way to give yourself an advantage in finding a full-time job without a college degree is to network and meet people. When you network, you are able to show hiring managers that you are so much more than just a degree and how you can add a ton of value to their organization. Companies may think they want a college degree, but what they are really after is trying to find people who they can trust to be a good fit.

Networking is a great way to show your value and prove just what you can bring to a company when they hire you.

As you can see, not having a college degree won’t hold you back from finding a job and a career that you love. While it might seem difficult, there are a lot of great opportunities out there that do not require a degree, and even if they do, there are a ton of ways to set yourself apart from the pack and get that job.

Always let us know how we can help! Our team is ready to make your job search so much easier.

Staffing Support Specialists has matched great candidates to the right role for over 20 years. Contact us to apply or fill an opening today!
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Simplify the Hiring Process Without Sacrificing Quality. Serving Southeast Wisconsin for Over 20 Years.

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