Finding a new job can feel overwhelming, and the hiring process can seem never-ending. To ease into a job search, it’s good to understand how the hiring process works and what employers are looking for when applying.

Let’s start first with how to get your foot in the door because if you’re having trouble there, then understanding the remaining steps won’t be relevant.

What are employers looking for and how do you get noticed?

When a company hires a new employee, they are looking for someone who A) wants to do the job, and B) can do the job. So how do you show that you want to do the job?

First, explain how you were a good employee in past positions through excellent attendance, longevity with the company, and a great attitude. Second, demonstrate it in the interview process by showing up on time and knowing something about the company itself.

Now that you’ve shown that you want to do the job, it’s pretty important to show that you can also do that job. Your work history is the first indicator of whether you can do a particular job. A good staffing agency will work to uncover your strengths and help present you to an employer in a way that highlights your most relevant skills and experience.

How Do You Find A Job Quickly?

Sometimes you don’t have the luxury of taking your time to find a new job. In order to find a job quickly, you’ll need to:

  1. Know where companies have openings.
  2. Write a resumé that best represents your skills and experiences.
  3. Apply in a way that your profile attracts attention.
  4. Represent yourself in a way that you are the best candidate for the job.

This is a lot of work!

Of course, the best way to do this on your own is to let others know you are looking. Make sure you can describe your optimal job. Employers often prefer hiring referrals because they are more likely to be a good fit for the job.

This is one reason you might find it helpful to work with a staffing company. We have access to multiple employers at a time and can be your advocate in the job search.

Do you have to apply online if you want a job?

The short answer is a resounding YES. Even if you are referred to a company, you are highly likely to need to complete some sort of application online.

The good news is that most applications can be completed on a mobile device, like a phone, so having access to a computer is less of a complication these days. At the same time, access to technology is a real barrier for some and we collectively don’t yet have a good solution for that, beyond the common advice to “visit a library or workforce development center.”

It is also highly likely that you will need an email address in order to communicate with prospective employers. If you have a personal email address that could be interpreted as inappropriate, please create a new email address for your job search. If you do need to set up a new email address, be sure to monitor both your inbox and SPAM folders. This will be the first mode of communication for most organizations that are hiring.

Most online employment applications can be completed in less than 30 minutes. In the end, this is much less time than you would spend driving to each company and filling out a paper application onsite.

How does the hiring process work?

Now onto the meat of the whole job search journey, the hiring process. There are some similarities to how you prepare for the job search and how you actually get the job, but a big difference is truly evaluating the company just like they evaluate you.

This is the main point that people don’t consider when going through the hiring process, but it can help determine if you’re a good fit for the position and if the company will be a good fit for you.

So how does the hiring process actually work?

1. Find and express interest in a job

There isn’t one central location that lists every available job near you. Stores often only hang up a sign on their door. You will find most online job postings on each individual company’s website. consolidates many job postings, but not all.

While staffing firms don’t have access to every opening, they can serve as a single source for jobs across many employers. Further, you might find it helpful to discuss different openings with an expert, which increases the chance that you find a job that’s right for you.

2. Determine if you’re a good match

Before spending too much time on a position, check that the job basics are right for you: not just the type of job, but your travel time to work, shift, and pay range.

Different companies use different methods to determine who to hire. You might have an interview over the phone, in person, or on video. There might be an assessment test for skills or aptitude. And a background check might be required, depending on the position. This can include reference calls, checking for a criminal record, and drug screens.

3. Start the job

The company offers you a job and you accept. Smooth sailing from here, right? Of course, you have more to do. You need to know the dress code and where/when to start. You need to complete some additional paperwork to verify your work eligibility, prove that you read the handbook (if one exists), and provide information so you can be paid. Don’t want to forget that step!

As you can see, each stage of the hiring process includes many details to get right before you settle into a great new job. Find a great staffing company to help you navigate the process so you can start in a position that’s a great fit for you, quickly and seamlessly.

Staffing Support Specialists has matched great candidates to the right role for over 20 years. Contact us to apply or fill an opening today!
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